coresh: it is important for all of us.thinking of your lifelong health, it makes you realize that you need to consider the risk that at some point you may hit dementia before death. john: what accounts for the higher risk? dr. coresh: so basically we did a study that was more diverse in more centers and spanned both white and black americans and we also spent an enormous amount of energy to make sure we captured all the cases. then the population has gotten older. as life expectancy has gotten older, the risk is higher. the risk by age 75 is 4%, by age 85, it is 20%, and by age 95, it rises to the full 42% chance of getting to dementia before death. but more than half the risk is after age 85. john: to make sure i understand, this is because the population is aging, not because something has changed about dementia. dr. coresh: exactly the population in the u.s. is aging and that is also the reason that we expect the number of new dementia cases to double between now and 2060. it is also true that our estimate of the incide