and staying with us is cynthia fong. thank you very much for your time. thank you. i should note that since the committee has not met over the past few months this is a consolidated internal accounting report for the six months ended december 31st, 2024. at this point of time we had assets of 1.3 million liabilities at 1.3 million as well revenues at 368,000 expenditures at 170,000. overall we are under budget in expenditures by 1.9 million. really due to the slow activities for the ferry terminal enhancement project and a total affordability program it's both programs are proceeding more slowly than anticipated since we're indices closer to season four budget amendments will be taking a look and taking stock of this program and making any adjustments as necessary and bringing it back to to my committee for recommendation. with that i'm happy to take any questions you may have for this report. >> okay. there's no questions for me and i don't see anybody on the roster but why don't we open this up to public comment? >> is there any remote public comment? >> there is