seven years ago, he was living in senegal's capital, dakar. the family were expecting another baby.hange forever. ibrahima: they took baby in the blanket and they went out. i asked if everything is okay. they told me, "yeah, that's fine. we'll come to you." they asked me if i was aware of they were twins. i said, "no, we are not expecting twins." and they told me, "but there is a problem." they told me, "yeah, just to let you know that they are conjoined." i read about conjoined twins but it's just for other people, not for you, not... this is not gonna happen to you. you're completely knocked down. narrator: doctors didn't expect the girls to live more than a few days. ibrahima: i was preparing myself just to lose them very quickly. the only thing, um, that we could do is just to be beside them and not let them walk alone through this journey. (beeping). the two weeks passed, the four weeks passed, we started building hope, building hope. and then we could so very, see very clearly that, um, we are going to deal with warriors, they hang on to life, they hang on to life. i've been s