and now david shipley, the paper's own opinion editor, quit in protest. it's weird you think the media would embrace the idea of freedom, but they aren't. and why is that? why were they against so many things that make sense, like cutting waste, deporting pedophiles, and giving justin trudeau a massive wedgie? it's because trump is for those things, which to the left, makes them more toxic than brian stelter's boxers after taco tuesday. true. if trump found a cure for cancer, the media would call it an attack on cellular democracy. so why is trump so hard to deal with that the media has now come out against freedoms. well, his personal goals align with the country's. that's what happens when you're a patriot. his own personal success is intertwined with ours. if the country doesn't do well, he doesn't do well. that's why when his critics say, ooh, trump is just out for himself, we say, so what? he can only win if we win. and the media has no way to combat this. so they're left with railing against personal liberties, just like they did during covid. but t