historically our strongest partnerships throughout the dpa have been with ucsf g and primary care.or the exact reasons that i outlined previously. >> that is largely what is measured in the qip program. as dhs has evolved their strategy to try to meet the needs of californians in core and incorporate behavioral health and substance use treatment into the qip program, this is creating future opportunities for partnership outside of csf and primary care that we look forward to. >> next slide. some of the successes around quality include the robust quality reporting and improvement infrastructure that exists within primary care at the csf g campus and with maddie. >> we've also seen improvements in cancer and colon cancer screening as well as childhood metrics in the last several years. >> we've seen a change in health care delivery that has resulted in reducing disparities in outcome for black and african-american patients for cancer screening, diabetes control and blood pressure control. >> finally, san francisco health network excels in several metrics at the state level. >> we are