dwight jones: my wife started this (expletive). mankiewicz: after an hour-long standoff, dwight finally surrendered. connie jones: so as he walked out the child was physically in front of him. josh mankiewicz: like a shield. connie jones: like a shield. he was inconsolable. i mean, as a mother to see your child in that distress, it-- its-- its pretty devastating. josh mankiewicz: dwight was arrested. and connie filed for divorce. often, that means the end of something. instead, it was just the beginning of the worst chapter in connies relationship with dwight jones. craig melvin: coming up, connie reaches out for help. rick anglin: i had people full-time on the school where the son goes. if connie went to work, there was somebody with her while she was working. craig melvin: but would even that be enough to protect her from dwight? connie jones: he told me that he would wait until my defenses were down and then he would get me. craig melvin: when dateline continues. the thompsons' new front door looks sharp, right? did we need to w