. >> egbert in district ten in the bayview. this is an overview of the total funding for s.f. pd projects from easter 2020 easter 2014 and certificates of participation. the easter 2020 allocated bond funds for sfpd are just over 119 million after the cost of finance those funds were augmented by an additional 11.5 million million in remaining easter 2014 funds for s.f. pd and that brought the total sro funding available to about over 130 million and those easter 2014 funds were approved by capital planning committee and open in january of 2024. >> a few smaller projects were completed at about between three and 4 million and there is a balance of funds for both ingleside and surge of about 127 million. the budget for ingleside is about 103 million and the budget for search facility at egbert is about 17.7 million and there is additional program reserve in the amount of 5 to 6 million. >> the acquisition burden in addition to two is for the acquisition of 1828 aggregate for surge and pcd phase one was funded by certificates of participate portion in the amount of 79.3 million