when we last spoke, jordan's daughter, eilidh, said she skypes with some of her many siblings.y good friends. and we all look exactly alike. dennis murphy: still, eilidh said many of jordan's children felt hurt by all he's left behind. i know loads of them who are, like, really damaged by it, like, really, really damaged by it. dennis murphy: the girls were glad to hear that jordan had been arrested. as nice as it would be to have more siblings, it would be easier for everyone if he just, like, just took a break, and he stopped. dennis murphy: and after his arrest, mary and her children were rooting for mischele lewis as she faced him in a new jersey courtroom. judge: ok, this is the matter of the state of new jersey versus william jordan, iii. dennis murphy: in 2015, he pleaded not guilty. woman: judge, we want to enter a not guilty plea. mischele lewis: it's laughable that he pled not guilty. i have so much evidence on it. i don't even know if he realizes how much evidence i collected on him. dennis murphy: but after negotiations between attorneys, william allen jordan accept