that senator's name was ernest lundeen. he was a senator from minnesota, and in congress he had formed something called the make europe pay war debts committee, which said that we shouldn't be helping our so-called allies in europe at all, because, frankly, those allies, especially england, they owed us. they owed us money from the first world war money they hadn't been able to pay back yet. we should focus now on making them pay us back, rather than us giving them any more help. i mean, who cares that they're being invaded and attacked by the huge nazi war machine which has already invaded and taken over the whole rest of western europe? not our problem. we should be collecting right now on what they owe us for helping them already the first time around. in no way should we be giving them any more help. ernest lundeen was actually so into the idea of the make europe pay war debts committee that he formed a second committee with a similar name that focused specifically on how they should pay their debts to us. his other com