and then he tells us that fhimah kept explosives in his desk. and, you know, why would an airport security manager keep explosives in his desk? you scratch your head. but he looks at photo spreads of various types of explosives and he picks out semtex... ..the explosive that was used to make the bomb. that was critical for us. we had the people who actually personally facilitated that bomb into the airline system that eventually blew up pan am flight 103, killing 270 people. we got the bastards. criminal indictments against two libyan intelligence agents announced today in washington and scotland. we charge two libyan officials, acting as operatives of the libyan intelligence service. reporter: megrahi, a senior officer with libyan intelligence. fhimah, a libyan agent, and station manager of libyan arab airlines in malta. finally, something was happening, because it was very difficult to wait and see and have had everything that happened without an answer. we were looking for answers. okay, there were people that we can look at and kind of say,