at the opposite end of the political spectrum was frances perkins fdr as labor secretary. perkins, the first woman cabinet member. she was born into a conservative new england family. broke, and she broke from it after college to go to chicago and work with jane addams at hull house, working with the with the immigrant poor. after to new york, she became the nation's leading advocate for workers and served as roosevelt's commissioner when he was governor during hundred days when douglas was fighting slash the budget. perkins was the leading advocate for a federal relief program and to get emergency relief to the unemployed. fdr asked her to an eye out for a good plan, and she found one quickly while, while perkins was championing the urban workers, wallace, the agriculture secretary, did the same thing for the nation's farmers. wallace was a brilliant farmer, scientist and journalist, iowa. he was a leading proponent of allotment. the plan for propping up prices that was adopted during the hundred days and the agricultural adjustment act. major, major law was his doing. num