joining us now is pollster and communications strategist frank luntz. and frank, here we are. we're about six weeks into trump's second term. what are you hearing from voters? >> well, i'm going to be watching tonight for how disruptive congress actually will be. we've seen occasions when people have shouted out or walked out of a trump speech. the same thing happened with joe biden. and it's not civil. it's not decent. and there's obviously applause and people standing up and cheering in some cases, but not booing. and to me, that will tell me how civil washington is and what kind of example washington wants to set for the rest of the country. second is, are we going to see a follow up to what happened in the oval office on friday, which truly is unprecedented and unparalleled in modern foreign policy? the question is, how far will trump go in writing off ukraine and whether he will leave an olive branch open for zelenskyy to grab towards. and third, you mentioned it correctly. tariffs. that's probably the number one economic policy of this administration. the public is very