gandhi, he ain't. this isn't some sort of mystery, that, "gosh, i didn't know. i had no idea." really? i think most of us have some gut sense of when we're beginning to get in trouble. i don't believe blagojevich has ever done any reflection on right and wrong. extorting a hospital-- never occurred to him that that might harm the citizens that he was elected to protect. he--he has no ability to look at anything but himself. that's it. that's it. what's the worst thing that can be said about you that's accurate in your view, other than you were stupid to say that stuff? sure. look, i've been accused of being a narcissist. i might plead to a misdemeanor on that, okay? um, i think i-- my judgment of some people was way off. i think i should have been a lot more vigilant and see some of the warning signs. i knew they were aggressively out there raising money, and i didn't slow it down because i wanted to raise the campaign money. i could have been more vigilant on that in retrospect. ♪ close, but no cigar. whether or not rod trusted the wrong people, he set them loose on illinois