taibbi and greenwald in particular. but that that critical voice on the left, where was that by the time this happened? yeah. so let's go back to 2016 because that's where we left these guys right? so, you know, they're getting pretty sick. the democratic party, they're getting pretty sick of how liberals are approaching the national security state and the war terror and the financial crisis, etc., etc. etc. trump wins and. the democratic reaction to this is to focus on russia at expense of everything else. pretty much the democratic media organs. the democrat party, their primary thing is time trump to russia rather than trying to present, you know, try to show like an alternative view for the country or trying to push on the policy only clearly they did do all of that, but they also really focus on this russia stuff to the exclusion, i think, of a lot of other things could have been doing and tv and greenwald and myself as well, like i was writing at the time, i wrote this in a very critical way and, try to push back