henderson henderson director hindi ai india director karina tarlov hi tala i thank you. the motion passes. the board met in closed session and voted unanimously on item three to settle the matter. >> secretary silva or colleagues may i have a motion to disclose not disclose four item four motion to discontinue a second i action item for motion disclose second secretary silva please call the roll and the motion to disclose action for item four director chen i chen i director hemminger hemminger i director henderson henderson i director linzy i india director kahana kahana i chair tarlov i tarlov i thank you that motion passes . the board met in closed session and voted unanimously at item four to appoint julie kirschbaum as the director of transportation subject to a contract to be negotiated and approved at a subsequent meeting. >> thank you. thank you. colleagues, may i have a motion in a second to disclose or not disclose? for item four. item five pardon me? motion not to disclose item five second secretary silva, please call the roll and the motion to not disclose item five director chen i chennai director hemminger i hemminger i director henderson henderson i director lindsey high india director kahana i cookie and i chair tarlov i tarlov i thank you with that motion passes next item that yes secretary silva please call the next item places you on item number seven approval of minutes for the february 4th regular meeting directors are there any changes to the minutes? all right. >> may i ha