uh let me talk to you on something cool about 2 months, huntington lake, who is this jose, the pod is huge. i mean, to be use data to military abuse, bulk of around somebody. not that all of these 1000000 know correct. yeah, we don't know such facing realities. how do you reconcile your needs from a security perspective with the human rights folks and everybody who wants to come to poland can do that, but we expect the person to accept our rooms, thought provoking on north korea. where does extent, now korea is the mirror of what we need to avoid. the case of you right here, the story on talk to how does era economic collapse, the east diploma on the civil war? i just want to be clear, i read opposing the roger parts of the why we were the but they found even to, you know, we need to finish. that is, you know, did you really, that's what the vision is. the new to the movie has and goes head to head with full mystery, like in president rhino. but converse thing go. i am really important even before you were born. i know we so much i called of a problem. at the head on al jazeera, the l