he went to see robin's new boyfriend jared, who worked at a bar. was basically that he goes to the bar, he's there till about 9:00, 9:30, goes home, plays xbox till 11:00, midnight, and then goes to sleep. not the perfect alibi. no. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): the investigator also questioned jd at his home. josh mankiewicz: and what does jd say? he has a story where he came home, had a couple of beers, passed out. and he wasn't anywhere near helium road. that's what he says. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): that's when jd told mongold about another man in robin's life, a name the investigator hadn't heard before, chris. who's chris? well, he tells us a story. they used to date, and i think he's into drugs, and i think there was some violence. i think he's kind of a bad guy. you're hearing this from jd. from jd. josh mankiewicz (voiceover): and jd's new wife katie backed up her husband's story. tells the same story, names the same guy. so off you go to chris. allan mongold: yeah, off we go to chris. same questions, when's the last time you saw robin,