we want to discuss with a lawmaker who walked out on the speech, democratic congresswoman pramila jayapalashington state joins us now. congresswoman, thank you so much for being with us. i noted that you had high praise for senator slotkin response, in which she said that amid this second trump term, it's easy to get exhausted. but she called for citizens to stay engaged, saying, don't tune out. i wonder how you square that message to voters. don't tune out with your decision to walk out during the speech. >> well, i followed all of the speech, including after i left, but i can tell you that i went because i thought it was important for us as democrats to reclaim the chamber where donald trump fueled an insurrection, where insurrectionists came in and took over that chamber where i was trapped in the gallery. i felt like it was important for me to be there and to listen to him. and i stayed for a good hour, which i think is a is a good amount of time to give a president to get his message across. but unfortunately, what we heard was just lies. lies and more lies, more hatred, more divisiv