that, you know, you whether or not god exists to to wrestle with god, i'm not going to do a jordan peterson impression. but you've all heard the phrase to wrestle to wrestle with god is sort of essential to being human. right. and there's this, you know, this video where he didn't have did a conversation with richard dawkins. right. some of you have seen this where dawkins is like, well, of course we can agree that dragons don't exist. and peterson is like, i think are more real than you and did. and they just go on this, right. and, you know, look, this is this is great stuff. but but i am sort of, you know, i'm sympathetic to in the sense that, yes, of course, that side of religion is important. and, of course, our society, you know, could stand to use a more romanticism and mysticism and so on. but at the end of the day, it matters a great deal, whether the dragon as stand in for like the supernatural thing a reality outside of the human imaginarium important as that imaginarium is and i think part because of this attempt to sort of separate the mystical and the technical these ways reli