you have mike mansfield, who's the senate majority leader, who's quieted, really like to talk to the media, the most he usually says is yup or nope. but behind the scenes, he too, even though he's often overshadowed by lyndon johnson as majority leader, is also thinking hard about the rules. and how to get the different bills moving so that the southern democrats can't rely on their usual tricks that were often effective at obstructing measures such. civil rights. you have wilbur mills, who was the chairman of the house ways and means committee, enormously popular and no matter what johnson does in 64 to get medicare through congress. mills stands in his way a very formidable roadblock because that committee has jurisdiction over security, which is what medicare will be part of. so these figures and everett dirksen, of course, the senate minority leader from illinois, a republican, will be very important once the civil rights bill reaches the senate and trying to break the southern debate will depend in large part on swain, a republican, dirksen. so all these figures i believe, are n