assembly member matt haney. >>oodorningverne. don't worry i'm not the tax collec you know wre world class cities have world class nightlife. and in order for our city to thrive, we need world class nightlife. if you look around what's happening all over the world as cities have come back from the pandemic, they've done it with thriving restaurants, bars and people places for people to come out and enjoy themselves with each other, period. and what we're seeing in california in particular is the cities that have really invested and supported their nightlife have been the fastest to recover across the state. >> why is that? it's because people now in many cases have a choice of where they go and how they spend their time. we can't just rely on people coming in to our city during the day for jobs at their desk . now many of those folks have a choice of whether they come in at all or whether they work remote people who have choices of places to visit, how they spend their time and when they have places to go out in the evening that a