. >> so commissioners and director mcspadden my name is eliana binder and i'm the policy director forthank you for your consideration of this contract. we deeply appreciate the opportunity to support transitional age youth who are experiencing homelessness. in the latest point in time count we saw that youth homelessness increased from 2022 to 2024 of those youth 93% were transitional aged and nearly 70% of these transitional age youth were unsheltered. so there is a need for drop in spaces especially for these unsheltered youth. we are grateful for the chance to assist these youth in accessing shelter, housing, medical care and workforce development as well as all the other services that were just described. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> good morning. my name is jessica hernandez. i am a policy associate at compass family services and i'm here in support of the contract agreement with glide foundation for the provision of additional drop in centers for transitional age youth health and wellness. it is very beneficial to have expanded access to support services for youth that ca