supervisor dorsey. >> now let's have ms.. flores to the presentation. thank you, chair melgar, veronica flores planning department staff i'll keep this brief. >> the planning commission heard this item on december 12th and adopted a recommendation for approval with anticipated amendment and that anticipated amendment eight was to require h s h to work with the interim housing provider if any to relocate existing program participants when the interim housing closes . i believe that amendment is reflected in the revised version that was circulated this morning and we ask that that amendment be moved today. this concludes the planning commission report and i will hand it off to deputy director emily cohen. >> good afternoon chair members of the committee my name is emily cohen, deputy director at the department of homelessness and support of housing and i'm happy to be here with you today to discuss an amendment to the planning code that would allow hotels and motels to be used for interim housing without abandoning or discontinuing their land use designati