my name is nick daniels and of the present national air traffic controllers association, natca. i'm a proud air-traffic controller for the last 21 years as a civilian air-traffic controller, 19 years at fort worth, texas, mrap traffic control center and to use dallas tower. also proudly served as the sergeant in the united states marine corps with five years as a cow and raider air-traffic controller. i want to start by saying natca grieves for the families, friends and communities that were devastated by the aviation accident on january 29 at washington national airport. we remain steadfast in our commitment to work with all federal agencies investigating the accident. natca takes pride in our role as the aviation safety organization and stand shoulder to shoulder with congress, the executive branch, the industry stakeholders to ensure a national airspace system means the safest in the most efficient in the world. we have always seek to be part of that social look forward to working with congress and administration to address the challenges we face today and in the future. our