he flies back from niger. what happens?> there's cia analysts there at the house to debrief him immediately, because this information goes back to the office of the vice president. so they sit down in the living room and joe said, look, this report about yellowcake uranium, this could never have happened. this is a totally bogus report. here's who i spoke to. here's what they know. and so forth. thank you very much, ambassador wilson. and they left. and that was that. >> but the public heard a different message dictated by the white house information group headed up by karl rove, scooter libby, national security advisor condoleezza rice, and vice president dick cheney. their mission was to market and sell the iraq war. driving home the message of the president and to some who bought the message, a supporting detail stood out in that march 2002, cia intelligence report based on wilson's visit to niger, mentioning that wilson learned of an inquiry iraq had made about expanding commercial relations with niger, whose leading ex