this is not a lot different than the oryx and so making sure that we're doing the right thing here and and not getting into a $3.8 million expense that's then going to need to be sold off would be good. so we would recommend approving the concept for the d packaging unit but having some cost controls or again as we've discussed on other things that if it comes in under that 3.8 that we can reap the benefit for the rate payers and have some reconciliation around that . i would also suggest that the packaging equipment be installed out at beaven rather than at tunnel. a few reasons for that and it's not you know the company has good reasons for why they want to put it at tunnel. one of the concerns that i have is that you need different types of trailers to convey the slurry material he water type trailers to convey the slurry material as opposed to the transfer trailers that they already have to convey the the co-mingled material that's dry air. and so i'm concerned that you would get into this and then incur additional expenses needing to buy specialized equipment to be able to transfe