you didn't have mitch mcconnell and paul ryan at the center of things. he didn't feel compelled to appoint officials who were going to push back on him, particularly on national security, as he did the first term. and as a result, you are going to get trump unfiltered, you know, and what we got on friday was trump unfiltered. his disdain for ukraine, his disdain for zelenskyy, uh, you know, who did not go along with his effort to strong arm him in 2019 and to ginning up an investigation into hunter biden, which led to trump's first impeachment. and, you know, a very clear signal to europe that, you know, he is more than willing to walk away and leave ukraine to its own devices against putin's, you know, larger war machine. well, if you think back to 2021, think about what the fall of kabul did to joe biden's approval rating. in fact, he went below 50% as kabul collapsed, never to rise above it again during his presidency. what would it look like? uh, for world opinion and u.s. opinion? uh, if kyiv ultimately does collapse, if trump does walk away and let