we saw in the us and the world is philip zuba and live full out from the 10s over office exchange. also that as he is whitehouse, the local, the us national security advisor shed light on what is in the decision to declare the legacy of his entire delegation assume a non grata order them to me immediately. how do you come in salt? someone, when you are practically begging them for money and assistance. when you're wholly dependent on the, the lrc asked to be american people and then walk into their white house in their oval offers. and try to be argumentative and insulting in fact, checking. so we made that clear in no uncertain terms, we made it clear that the negotiation which could have been a fantastic day for them and the country was over and that it was time to go. he had an opportunity, do apologize. he had an opportunity to say that he, you know, is, is absolutely in favor of hitting the reset button and moving this deal forward. but that's not what we heard causes of, as he was sudden the door in washington. it was a very different scene in london. every 5 minutes are welc