. >> good afternoon chair to vice chair herrera and member baudry i'm rachel gordon, the director of policy and communications for san francisco public works trust a very few comments on this portion of the meeting today. public works is very much in favor of a few of the initiatives that recology is proposing the mattress free mattress collection. we do see a lot of mattresses on the streets so any opportunity to give people a free way to get rid of their mattress is welcome. another opportunity for that certainly the abandoned waste collection in the afternoon as recology has shown we haven't had as much success in the afternoons as we have had in the morning so that's very important as well as the cameras on the trucks to make sure that the cans are being serviced as the service level agreement is looking at. so we have a combination of sensors in the trash cans, our trash can manager we're hoping to bring on board soon as well as the cameras. so we're very pleased with what those initiatives are that recology has come forth with. that's the last presentation so we will now take p