according to a popular vote, roosevelt was so powerful he could get you a meeting with raymond moley. so that's moley. then there's louis douglas, the director of the budget. douglas did have an ideology free market capitalism. he was born into a family of wealthy arizona copper barons with a record of mistreating their workers. douglas, his father and were responsible for the notorious. bisbee deportation, in which 1000 union activists rounded up in bisbee, arizona forced onto railroad cars at gunpoint and abandoned the middle of the desert as congressman. douglas was the strongest voice in washington for slashing government spending. douglas, whose conservatism made him a surprising choice to play such prominent role in the new deal. but he appealed to roosevelt's fiscally cautious side. douglas was the star of the first few months of the roosevelt administration. the second major law that was passed during new deal after the emergency banking act was douglas's own economy act, which cut government spending by 25%. at the opposite end of the political spectrum was frances perkins fd