. >> teresa elizabeth sackler. >> richard s. 20, seven sacklers, all former purdue board members or employees, were deposed. >> and the top selling opioid was oxycontin, correct? >> yes. >> dr. richard sackler is a former president of purdue who in 2001 helped turn oxycontin into what was at the time the most prescribed brand name nar katic for pain in the united states. in his deposition, he described the drug's benefits and was asked about its deadly risks. >> now, higher dose of oxycontin is more expensive, but it was also more dangerous, is that accurate? >> objection. >> you may answer. >> it wasn't more dangerous for the patient than any other pill. >> david sackler, richard's son, helped manage the family's wealth and also served on purdue's board of directors. >> what responsibility does purdue have to the hundreds of thousands of patients who were prescribed opioids and got oud. >> oud is opioid use disorder. or addiction. >> what responsibility does it have to them? these were -- these were defined risks. on the label.