and ron kon, with a view from keith, russia's official reaction to the whitehouse exchange as being to uphold the us presidents. foreign ministry spokesman, maria's power less as the us president showed restrained by not punching below demands and then ski. and most of the former president dmitri med vetted, wrote on twitter, saying the incident peg finally gosh, a proper slap down in the oval office. and donald trump is right, the key regime is gambling with world war 3. that's bringing julia shop a lot of why she's standing by for us and moscow. and that has been as much cautious as it moves the landscape in russia, usually as they have support from europe. tell us about the reaction there of the. that's right, although we haven't had from the countries told police to ship, there were many opinions expressed by russia's, of the officials and the opinion makers. you mentioned form a russian presence, meet truman, nevada, and he called trump's rhetoric tools that landscape fee us review kind of a slap. i think that it was not enough and judge to stop miniature age to kids. while marie