that every sort of step in multiple saffir, well it must be transparent, especially for ac. and otherwise, the 3rd parties or to a south ridge, you forces that should have been bent by the right the by the way, when they may be a chance. so of the political trust issues you purchased it, states touched attempt to, you know, fest that it's okay. there is also the issue of refugees that will be no doubt discussed in amman. took the hosts around 3600000 syrian refugees is expectation within to keep that the syrian refugees will return home soon. but the total number of 50 g 's, right? no. well, it's a bit more than 3000000, not people in 6 because they start to joining back the holes and forces in a single both of date. uh, we have, you know, like 7 phones and then at tulsa and family and you told him back the importance of databases, whether they should go, they close. but only if it's a cute on this and for more than 2 bases. this is the official policy of to get on the other hand, if that happens, escalations etc risk. so we have to wait and see exactly what would happen, sy