steven pitt: my name is doctor steven, s-t-e-v- e-n pitt, p-i-t-t. josh mankiewicz: i interviewed steve pitt in 2016 for a report on the twentieth anniversary of the jonbenet ramsey case. dr. steven pitt: dude, i gave you some good answers, come on. josh mankiewicz: three of them. yeah. josh mankiewicz: a sharp guy with a big personality and a sense of humor to match. dr. steven pitt: god, that was so good the way you did that. josh mankiewicz: thank you. josh mankiewicz: through that, we got to know one another. josh mankiewicz: when i met him, and he sort of said to me, hey, lets be friends, like ill-- ill come to los angeles and well hang out, i thought, absolutely. natalie collins: right. he could get anybodys story, but more importantly than that he was interested in everybody and their story. josh mankiewicz: he was also unabashedly interested in crime and criminals. natalie collins: he read a lot of history about serial killers. and i think he felt that his skills were really well-suited to-- to that area. and he didnt scare easy. josh mankiew