my name is tom harvey. i'm a captain with the san francisco police department. i'm assigned to staff services. >> i enjoyed the presentation myself so very, very nice job and i know there's people in this room behind me who are also helping so very complex, very impressive. some interesting aspects having nothing to do with the project was the land trade and then kind of i enjoyed the old the picture of the 1910 original building. so i look forward to the project starting and then of course when it's completed. good to see you all. thank you. thank you very much for coming. all right. please open the site and to public comment. >> thank you. members of the public who wish to make three minutes of comment in person on item seven the capital project update the ingleside police station may line up against the wall to the audience left and if commenting from outside the chamber press the raise your hand button in the webinar or press star three on your phone to be recognized and we do not have any callers. >> great. thank you. i did i'm sorry captain harvey, i did h