pick a new deal out of a, just a format or something when, when picking your kids will see it on a vpn, they'll shop. but with my head on this and do it must seem part of this issue. i don't know i would that initial a good with to be honest. okay. they bought it. they never can. dina, is that even though it asked? yes, no. i located in the stove without it, we just have somebody. so you know that even though it would be the fewest lynn and god, we're gonna go with the domain which it would be uh in there. no, no, no, i go to the sale of your little throat again to roll out of the go. no way. nobody is doing the back on my, my board game in the most then thought it all i done done a lead or so from biddle from give way. but i'm like, i mean, i mean, they have the zip code on the letter a lot, right? he's a little and it us one. so i have to put a lot of fun for how does that, what is it i know where by like what a bicycle because most of them are phillips and we'll just stick ok by like in know so less that for the testing of, i mean i look for here, say want acosta is out of holiness