, but he also relies on that inner circle of advisers that i mentioned, including people like walter jenkins and bill moyers, who guide him both on strategy, on politics and on speeches so he doesn't, though, have a vice president during this period. what about the role of lady bird johnson? she's really interesting. i mean, she has some public role in the one that she's most famous for is beautification, which some focus on her interest in getting rid of billboards, aids and cleaning up the roads. but she was even very interested in washington, for example, and in these kinds of issues. and it wasn't simply the environment or visual beauty, but she did connect that to issues that afflicted a city like the district of columbia, where these kinds of measures to make things cleaner, more safe and healthier would be good for the overall city and actually important issues like poverty. she was very important to him. i mean, if you listen to the tapes, some of the most remark of all the conversations are between president johnson and lady bird, where she almost is a stand in for an adviser and th