then peoplin f then people in flili, michig, that's good joke." [ laughter and alae ] grea-- mt have been fun. i guess zozozod totoe ther everody's talking abavt this... former kkk grand wizard david duke says he supports donald trump f f president but does not endorse`everything out him. you know is bad whenn the` kkis le, l's bcaful with this guy. beuse we're not sure exactly -- [ cheers a a alause ] >> stevevedon't t t oo ft. >> jimmy: ystoday is leap y. [ cheers andndpplalae ] february 29th. february 29th,eap day. which onon happensnsnce every four yea. you know, lili an election or the olympipi or r%membering to ch yr brita fifier. yoyoknow, , e once everyry- [ laughtht ] still getting those blblk ts.. >> sve: yeahahwhat is that? light laughter ] >> jimmy: get this, i read about a -y-yr-old woman who` s bo on leap yr and ceing her 24ththdada day. ohyeah. her friendalthink 's'sute e at s cal herlf 24. [ hthr appe ]lien to isha sears put peuinsn ilananununat nguini were le statae wh dddd t tmepeui [ light lalaht ] ah. n that othehething the researers found, they y have t t best jo