laughter and applause ] l >> jimmy: dish, bunch of crayons and an incredible hulk action doll. not action figure. no one says action doll. [ light laughter ] action doll. >> i'll be here -- doll. >> i'll be here when you're [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: unbelievable. unbeliveable. vince vaughn, you lie! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. you're good, you're good, vince vaughn. [ audience yells ] what number, what number you guys? >> that's incredibly heavy. oh, my goodness. that is incredibly heavy. i'll take that as a hint. >> jimmy: you just made the sound. >> i love this. >> jimmy: yeah. this is fun. this is a fun thing. not that funny, didn't get a a big reaction from the audience. [ light laughter ] i'm just going to describe it to you. it's a ruler made out of celery sticks. [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] oh, don't get in there, man. cause you might not get out, you know what i'm saying? [ laughter ] >> you insult me. [ laughter ] with these lies. [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: you're right. [ cheers and applause ] [ ding ] that's it, you won! i've been beate