pimple popper. >> yes! >> no! >> yes!it's gross, because the size of this, the size of a doorknob. and it's not nice. >> wow! >> yeah, it's huge. meatball of a cyst. >> oh, my goodness, got its own brain. >> what do you prescribe, doc? >> let me see. leave it there. >> that's why he went to dr. pimple popper and not a doctor. >> this isn't halloween for me. this is just fun. >> this is scary, oli. this is not a good time. >> why is it, like, brown and dead inside? >> oh, so good! >> this is outside of my field of study. that thing in the back. >> all right, i'm good. i've seen enough. >> what about the view? you need to see it, too. >> no, you don't need to see it, but if you must, head over to rightthisminute.com, click on tv show, or click on our mobile app. >> do it. do it. >> time to play real or fake halloween edition. >> that's the thing that killed all of us! >> then, they are caught in the action. >> this is my nightmare, because those are raccoons and this is real. >> and things get creepy on set. >> oh! >> what