will play a concert tomorrow and katie perry will perform saturday and monday clinton herself will be joined by former president bill clinton and president and mrs. obama. >> an important warning if you shopped at a prymark store. credit card skimming devices were found on cash registers at stores at both malls. primark says they may have been steel stealing information from customers for nearly 3 months. >> and special taste with torrey tonight. visit vilt visit sat down with a chef. >> it is remarkable come back with a man determined to live his dream. >> reporter: walking into byob on passyunk avenue you can sense you're about to have a type evening. the feel is cozy with white napkins and soft capped light and there's a seasonal smell from the french inspired kitchen that wakes your taste buds like a friendly hello. >> hello. >> hi. >> i what you may never sense is what this man will's owner and philadelphia magazine best new chef has been through. chris was severely injured in a car crash at the age of 16. as a result, he cannot taste or smell and can barely hear. >> i can't taste. >> you can't taste. >> no. i had a lot of facial damage. i