what we've been doing, the labor shortage, is partnering with the nwtc, fox valley tech.great success with hiring veterans and our local veterans agency. we have partnered with the chamber of commerce and their youth apprenticeship program and then we have a culture of low turnover, so when someone enters the company, we want them on a career path. we don't want them to just get a job and we have a law you'vy of >> these are long-term jobs. >> if i had to ask you to finish this question, the biggest problem or the biggest thing holding the economy back right now is blank? >> i would say the unknown in the government right now. everyone needs to in together. >> david griner, let's go out to you. obviously the car business, victorville, outside of los angeles, which has become somewhat of a suburb of los angeles, shockingly, david, you are exposed to income, you're exposed to credit trends. how do you see the economy right now? >> well, for us, i mean, it's back beyond the prerecession levels but it's largely fueled by leverage and automotive financing is wide open and so e