, tzena, tzena," and on the other side, the b-sideit was a record"_irene ," good night, which sprangand for three months stayed up there on top of the hit parade. it was the biggest seller since world war ii, and -- >> can you talk more about "irene"? >> well, it was the song, the theme song of the great black singer, leadbelly. he died in '49, and if he'd only lived another six months, he would have seen his song all over america. it was an old, old song. he'd simply changed and adapted it, added some verses and changed the melody, what my father called the "folk process," but which happens all through all kinds of music - in fact, all culture, you might say. lawyers adapt old laws to suit new citizens. cooks adapt old recipes to fit new stomachs. anyway, i learned this 12-string guitar from leadbelly. a high string and a low string together, but played together to give a new tone. and the song i really would like to sing to you is - always have to do with it - i don't sing it anymore. i give the words to the audience, and they sing it. ♪ i says, "you know this song. to everything,