mmi news market thank you very much for joining us. >> guest: thank you very much. >> and the house is debating the budget right now. you can watch the house on c-span. and the senate is currently in their party lunches, will return at 2:15 eastern for votes at 4:30. a portion now of today's "washington journal" with a republican member of the house discussing the medicare doc fix and the republican agenda. >> host: and we turn now to congressman and dr. michael burgess joining us again at our table. congressman, joining us during a week that congress is considering taking up a fix to the so-called annual medicare doc fix. first, explain the doc fix issue and the problem that you're trying to address here. >> guest: well john, first, thanks for having me on, and i really appreciate being able to come on and to talk to people about one of the things, it's one of the biggest problems that you've never heard about which is the medicare payment formulas which turns out to be an access problem for america's seniors, patients. and, you know, i hear this all the time at my town halls. people raise their hand and say how come when you turn 65 you've go