this is leftist lawmaker mathilde panot. >> we are celebrating a historic victory. our vote is a promise to the future. never will our children, grandchildren, great rain children have to relive the torment that preceded them. it is a promise to all women around the world, we are fighting for the right to have control over their bodies in argentina, united states, italy, hungary, poland. this vote tells them their fight is ours and this victory is theirs. amy: new york governor kathy hocul has announced a plan to deploy 1000 members of the national guard and state police to patrol new york city subway stations and to check bags of passengers. new york civil liberties union head donna lieberman condemned to mental health care." and in new mexico, a jury found hannah gutierrez reed, the weapons handler on the film "rust," guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the 2022 killing of cinematographer halyna hutchins by a loaded prop gun. jurors agreed that gutierrez reed, whose father is a prominent armorer in hollywood, displayed "willful disregard for the safety of other