vos yan. which are important, praised by all the same, bad on sir, your adkaz, ladies, we have learned that this will still be the same. dzyakuy, dzyakuty, gety variyants i jumped, aposhni vyraz, kali dzyakuty, let out the fog, dust, well, come on, padmanvats, kali weasel, your adkaz, let out the fog, we believe that everything is the same, let out the fog, fall, lidzia is good for you. well s varyantau. good, we have accepted the orders, and now we will rule, fall leaves, dagazhat, catch flies, be unimportant, complain about the master, praise generously, let fog, padmanvatsi, malays. alyaksandra and larysa, envelope number two, you, let's take a look, what's going on, what's going on , what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on, what's going on and small, yes , what for a panyushka of tobacco from the gavarians, give me a little bit, a little bit, a little bit, yes , aliaksandra asked me for a little bit of tobacco, this is a velma small, i’ll try that option that you used, dzyakuy, other expressions on the screen, shorts: brewing i, and what are they talking about? there would be fallow land, short periods, floods, yes, come on, bytsya with the layman, la