arnela, coleman that were so kind to make these ribbons and to learn about our appreciation for the work of our troops coming home from iraq. over 100,000 have come home in the last 14 months. and i am asking our members to go home and yellow ribbon your offices and community and have signs on your marquee that says welcome home the troops, a job well done. we never want our troops to come home from any battlefield, called to serve their nation, to a silent america. and again as we supported or promoted the better conditions for family and troops, we were able yesterday to give them a $1.9% increase inalry. now as we go home for the holiday season doing our work, let us say thank you to our troops, thank you members for wearing a yellow ribbon today. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio rise? >> to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from -- the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> it's time for president obama's and harry reid's do-nothing senate to work with