. >> my name is shanna kon, the owner of 910 silver avenue and i heard another concern from our neighbor that -- about the falling of the, you know, house, that we would actually cramp, if something would happen, our house is going to fall down on their house. i think this is something that is happening that we cannot predict and not do anything about it. but we will do our best and hire all the professionals to finish this project and we have actually consulted a couple of licensed contractors and we were told it would have no impact on the neighbor's house and we add this addition for our own use only. there's no rental, no nothing. it's absolutely for our family use. thank you very much for your time. president olague: thank you. are there any additional speakers for project spons? sponsor. seeing none, d.r. requester, you have two minutes of rebuttal time. [speaking through interpreter] >> there was earlier saying they do not have enough money to purchase a larger home. the fact that they are building the existing home is going to be probably costing more. there was a home for sale a