coren live in kabul. what is the late theft morning? >> reporter: john, it was only really a matter of time before anger spread to the streets. the government was trying to keep a lid on it. obviously banning youtube so people couldn't view that video. today we saw that anger, some 300 people took to the streets about 5 kilometers from the u.s. embassy. they aing toed police officers, 15 officers, including the commander were hurt. we're getting reports of more but we're trying to get confirmation. th they set two police trucks on fire. they were burning tires as well. we got relatively close to the protest. >> a region of such immense concern this morning, anna, for u.s. forces there. because this other wave of green-on-blue attacks, these insider attacks, we keep on seeing is them there. >> reporter: that's exactly right, john. early sunday morning, four u.s. soldiers were killed when an afghan police officer turned his gun on the soldiers that were training him. this was something we are saying time and time again. on saturday it was two british soldi