of the system in a basis that are over and above the actual core system from ocela such as our solectron ibm system we already have. we already have a document management system that will be integrated. all of those interfaces are going to be begun the development. they're in development, but we're going to continue the development and try to get those completed. the actual time frame for the go-live is go to move up to mid summer, not november. just so you know, we expect to go live in mid summer and then have three months of on-site assistance with the vendor to make sure that the system is working properly and to tweak it more than what we're going to be tweaking it from now until we go live. and i can answer any questions on the system. >> commissioners? >> good to hear. >> good to hear. thank you for that report. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> item 7d, update on other technology projects. >> i have some handouts to hand out. >> oh. >> >> sonya is going to be handing out the other technology reports. this didn't get into the package and i apologize for it. but we're still working on the